A hybrid world requires a new approach to living and working well.

Our workshops help individuals, organisations and communities live more healthily and productively in a digital age.

Our workshops offer an immersive deep dive into the science, adoption and practice of a health-promoting tech/life balance. Leveraging over 30 years worth of research insights and a set of unique science-backed methodologies, the focus is on equipping participants with the techniques and tools for more wellbeing and productivity in the age of information overload.

Our goal is to leave participants with practical solutions to engage with technology in a more intentional, meaningful way in their personal and professional lives.

Our Approach

Our workshops rely on the latest findings from neurosciences, behavioral sciences, and psychology to develop effective strategies for optimizing digital balance.


Tailored & dynamic

Every company has a unique DNA. Our workshops are "custom made" to honor and strengthen this uniqueness by focusing on the individual needs, goals, and challenges of the participants and your organization.


We can transform theory into an active element of life through practical application. Our unique methodology is based on interactive exercises to make the theory tangible and integrate it into everyday life.

Promoting Team Culture

We encourage the exchange of experiences and ideas among participants in order to collectively develop solutions and learn from each other. Through our workshops, we aim to strengthen teams and promote corporate cultures.

We view digital wellbeing not as an isolated concept, but within the broader context of our entire life, encompassing both professional and personal spheres, and applying to individuals, communities and organisations.


Our focus goes beyond short-term solutions. We offer tools and strategies that enable a lasting and sustainable practice of digital balance in all areas of life.


Our Workshops are intended to give a thorough insight into the theory behind a health-promoting tech-life balance while equipping participants with tangible and practical solutions they can implement into their day-to-day lives immediately. Having completed the workshop, participants will have:

  • Understood the mental, neuroscientific and societal implications of our digital lives.

  • Evaluated their own tech-life balance with the goal of establishing their personal optimum.

  • Understood different applications of digital wellbeing in a work and personal context and identified habits and behavioural patterns that promote a healthy tech-life balance.

  • Gotten to know different science-backed techniques and practices for more health, happiness and productivity.

  • Established systems in their personal and professional life for a better tech-life balance.

We offer different formats of our Quiet Wellness Workshops depending on your unique situation. Get in touch with us to find out about the options:

What you’ll learn:

Iliana brought a lot of great, easy to adopt and practical tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance in the digital age. She broke down the techniques and tricks to help in an easy to understand way and we're excited to implement these practices in our own lives!
Brooke Loyt. Operations Manager, Impact Hub London

Iliana delivered an insightful talk with a series of actionable ideas that we can and will take home into our organisations and families. Her talk was not only a testament to the urgency of the topic, but it showed what a difference we as individuals can make for our own wellbeing by adopting tech-life balance strategies. 
Irmgard Schenk, President Soroptimist Duesseldorf-Pempelfort

Iliana and Tim presented with passion, both knew exactly what to tell but also in a way that everybody understood what they were talking about. Because both Iliana and Tim have so much knowledge about digital awareness, they could easily answer all the questions that the crowd gave them. Overall a very nice and interesting presentation! Thank you again for all your time and spirit.
Hazel W. Community Lead, WeWork Amsterdam