The Digital Wellness Kit


The world’s first digital wellness kit! Take back your focus, calm and time with the science-backed kit designed to reduce digital overwhelm and cognitive overload and welcome wellbeing, deeper relationships and higher productivity! What would you do with one more hour per day and a more present, focused mind?

Includes: A physical copy of the Digital Wellbeing Workbook and the signal-blocking QSC Offline Pouch.

Pouch Dimensions: 11*18cm. Fits all standard phones up to dimensions of 8 cm width and 15 cm height. Waterproof, vegan Leather lined with Faraday fabric.

Colour Pouch:
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  • The QSC Digital Wellness Kit contains everything you need to implement and cultivate a healthy tech-life balance into your daily life.

    The Kit comes with the Digital Wellbeing Workbook with over 100 pages of exercises and prompts to establish a more balanced relationship with technology and a habit-building tool.

    Your tech-life balance tool leverages insights from behavioural science and psychology to turn the theory into practice and create lasting digital habits for more calm and focus.

  • The Workbook in your Kit is a physical copy of our Digital Wellbeing Workbook. You can find out more about the Workbook here.

  • The QSC Faraday Pouch blocks:

    • Phone signal: 4G, LTE, 5G

    • Radio signal

    • Wifi signal 

    • GPS

    • EMF radiation

      The pouch is lined with faraday fabric, a flexible metallic material used to block electric fields.

  • The pouch is made of 100% vegan PU leather, the inside is lined with faraday fabric. The packaging equally is made from recyclable plastic.

  • If you’re not happy with your purchase, you can return products in their original condition to us within 14 days.


Why we need a tech-life balance

With the opportunities to go and stay online becoming more numerous, establishing your tech-life balance — how and when you use technology — is an investment that will impact your life in a lasting way. An increasing amount of studies show the positive effect of a balanced relationship with technology. A study done in Germany showed that reducing smartphone use by as little as one hour increased participants' sense of wellbeing in just a few months. (Brailovskaia et al., 2022) A more mindful use of technology has been linked to increased empathy in relationships (Turkle 2015), improved functioning of essential cognitive processes such as memory, better focus, and improved sleep quality.


Why did we create the Digital Wellbeing Kit?

Studies suggest that as much as 47% of our daily actions are habitual (Wood et. al, 2002), pointing to the importance of taking a deliberate approach to shaping your daily habits. Introducing sustainable, health-promoting behaviours into your daily life is as much about awareness ("What benefits does digital wellbeing offer me?") as it is about taking action ("I will unplug every evening after 8pm"); it is about intention as much as execution. Building and sustaining good habits is about understanding the triggers that activate subconscious behaviours and about making your environment promote your desired actions. We created the Digital Wellness Kit to make it easy for you to cultivate tech-life balance habits for more wellbeing, productivity and deeper meaningful connections, the human kind!